I have found a baby bird.  I found it thursday afternoon.  I left it
where it was, on the side of our driveway, in the hopes that mom was
feeding it.  The next day it was still out there, but it was in the
middle of the road.  I went out with the intention of shooing it back
under it's tree.  It was too week to move, so I put it in a box and am
currently feeding it moistened dog food.  This at the recommendation of
a Pet Rehabilitator in Greensboro NC that I found on line.  Has anyone
else out there had any experiance in raising "wild" baby birds?  He has
lots more energy now and seems to be doing well.  I've just never had any
luck at all with birds and don't want to kill it with good intentions.
Oh, I am keeping "tweets" away from the ferrets, "just in case".
[Posted in FML issue 4563]