Lynn Siegel-MacFarlane, the one who has written, and shared so much with
me, and sends her love always.  mentioned a whole lot of names on the
fml, and I know a few more to add to this group.
Diddy Wheeler for example!  That woman has a heart of gold.  She has sent
our ferret family beautiful crocheted ferret blankies!  Toys, and much
more!  Stories that would make your sides hurt from laughter, about her
ferrets, (I suggested that she needs to write a book) and she has also
sent me her heart, when it was breaking so badly, with her losses, in
passing and fostering.
Rosemary German, of LFFR , who has sewn tons of hammies and beds, and
surprised us with packages!  She is now making the round ferret beds and
we got to sample some of the first ones!  She who works so diligently to
care for the ferrets she shares her life with, and quietly suffers her
Gerri Himberger comes to mind, this girl has such a respect for animals,
that the pet store she works at, she has set up a ferret class for free,
and TONITE, (well, actually Saturday) has a large group attending!  Her
love for her Colby dog and her prescious Maru, and the others who have
shared her life.  She has risked being terminated from her job, because,
she demanded that the animals be "properly cared for in that store."
Gerri will go in to the store, early, just to let the ferrets out to
play!  So this woman has given of her free time, to help these wee heart
Troy Lynn Eckert, the lady who suffered right along with me, for 10 weeks
while I desperatelly searched for my Eppy.  She is the one who listened,
without reprimand or scorn, while I cried on the phone about his loss.
Lisette!  Whom I am finally going to get to meet, this summer in a few
short weeks!  After attempting to connect for the first time at the
Chicago shelter, before Dan and I got so sadly lost and wandering the
Chicago streets for 3 hours, and she couldn't wait any longer.  Yeah!
We are going to get to MEET!  I also am so glad that she is back!  I
suffered for a long time, because her email had changed!
Eleanor Mead and her love for her ferrets, and the wild creatures that
she has fed throughout the years, and share pics of!  I didn't realize
just how talented she is in ferret arts!
Ardith, as I mentioned before, who keeps my Odin's photograph in the
same place, for over a year now, so she can send good thoughts his way,
while he is still absent from his home.
These are just a few names, of people who have made a difference in my
life, and my outlook on the human race.  There are many, many more, too.
Those who have gone the limit to help rescue the UTAH ferrets!  Those
who had opened their homes to them!  All the rescues, and more!  There
are some really priceless people out there and we all get to meet thiem
one way or another.  The dedicated ladies of SOS!  Judy and her card
exchanges!  Wolfy and her Oracle!  Ron O'Hara and the small gifts & cards
he has bestowed upon our home.  My husband, because ...he just keeps on
keeping on with all the things that I do around here.  Keeping his
slippers clean (has 2 pairs 1 to wash, other to wear).
My Ferrets, who have brought such joy as well, as sorrow to my life.
But also have taught me a few of lifes lessons too.  This is one of the
commandments that we were given to obey.  To love thy neighbor as we
love thyself.  Here on the fml, it shows, daily.
We all come from different walks of life, we all have vital information
to share, what one knows someone else, may not, but if we come together
as a community with love and concern for the well being of all, then we
are a great force.  But we are also humanly not perfect.
Laurel, Ela, Robin, Stephanie, Marie, Judy, Chris, Fran, Lynda, Gail,
Sharon, Rebecca, Wolfy who share so much, and have put up with my idio's.
I could write more and more, for many names come to mind, but I hope
that there are others who will pick up the torch, take the challenge,
and write about them!
[Posted in FML issue 4563]