Hello my friends.  Happy Canada Day and happy 4th of July!  i hope it was
a safe and happy weekend for you all.
There is still no sign of Timbit the stoat and we are all really sad.
mommie got a ticket to go to Boston the day she found out the MNR was
coming to get Timbit and she has been beside herself in Boston thinking
about him.  Auntie Aggie keeps an eye out for him while she is at the
shelter every day.
Pride weekend went well and the shelter was able to raise about $400.
they sold chocolate "private parts" for $2 and even made chocolate naked
"mommie" with PINK hair (her latest color).  The regular Toonie Drive
was cancelled which hurt the shelter because they depend on the $1,000
or so they raise doing that at Pride every year.  we're all hoping the
walk-a-thon makes up for it though!
the shelter has been quiet this week but sombre with the Toot missing and
all.  Sunshine is mending at auntie Paige's and doing much better and
auntie Paige had a few people visiting this week, looking to adopt.
Keep your fingers crossed that by next week, i'll have a load of happy
adoption stories to share with you!
my challenge is doing well and i'm so glad so many of you have taken it!
i'm hoping this will go on a little longer and that more of you will come
i'm so sad to hear fo the 70 ferrets needing homes and wish there was
something i could do to help.  i hope the man gets better and i really
hope homes can be found for all of them, including the sick and older
ones.  i know he's worried about his kids going to a shelter.  maybe some
of you can adopt his ferrets as part of the Harley challenge?  just a
thought ;)
i love you all!
Harley "Bug"
[Posted in FML issue 4563]