> ... is skinny.  She also has hair missing from the top of her tail and
>some missing from her lower back.  I have made her everything I can
>think of even Duck soup.  I tried to take her to the vet but he would
>not look at her because I did not have any money to pay him.
Hi Cathy ~
I'm appalled that anyone who calls himself a vet would not look at a
little animal in need.  If you let us know where you are maybe someone
in the area can give you help or a referral to another (their) vet.
Many vets work with us and let us pay as we go, or in some cases pay
as we can.  Also there are funds that maybe you can use.
Can anyone else help this lady?
Warmly ~
Mary Conley
[Posted in FML issue 4563]