>Thank you for your comment and question as to whether or not the DEW
>could be deaf.  From the best I can tell........she is not.  I believe
>that something has happened in her life that has caused her to want to
>bite?  She has trust issues.
Ah, I see.  On the yahoo e-group, Deaf_ferrets, we have a whole folder of
posts and mini articles about biting on it's homepage.  Since biting can
be such a serious issue for deaf and non-deaf ferrets, we constructed the
folder for this very information.  It's always growing.  There are many
approaches and techniques for all different kinds of ferrets and owners
to try.  One approach is from a lady across the Atlantic and yet another
from me here and so forth.  So if you like, join the group (from the Deaf
ferrets page on my site) to give them a read.  I had always wanted to
make a page specifically for biting.  Troy Lynn was so generous to offer
to author it, but I never got around to making it because my site moved
from Geocities (I still haven't got the hang of making webpages and
putting them up on my new place or I would have).  Too bad too, as she
has great experience in this area.
For those of you who would like to view these wonderful files, just go
and join the list even if just for a day so that you can read them (or
download them).  I found them pretty helpful.  If you do, I recommend
that you do remember one thing ... that is animals need consistency.  So
when you pick an approach that you feel matches your needs, stick to it
long enough to give the ferret stability, a chance to learn and settle
down into it's new routine.  Don't just try one way, then in the next few
days switch to a completely different way.  That can be cruel.  I'd only
recommend switching early if the animal reacts in a horrendously negative
or fearful way to the method that you try.  And when you are applying a
method, don't get lazy and miss applications.  React the same in every
[Posted in FML issue 4560]