>You know, you don't want to play "one up" me challenge with cool things
>FMLers have done for me.  Because I could fill a book with em!
Well I wasn't looking for a BOOK Wolfy, just very touching stories like
the support of that special person with Jubilee Spirit and the Kouri Klub
and a happy Eppy ending!
I'm not braggin of course but did you know Da Handsome Boy is Da Kouri
Klub Kanadian Rep?
Anyway the CHALLENGE is out there supported by our very own Great Ferret
Oracle...sort of..so where's all the stories of kindess and generosity
Lynda and
Toby, Da Kouri Klub Kanadian Rep
P.S.  lil Bear I'm gonna spank you!  Now I have a chattering Toby asking
to go to a "concert"  Did you know I live in St. Catharines where the
Polka King lives?  I really didn't want to introduce Toby to an OOMPA
concert.  (sorry for not being PC and an apology to all you Polka
Players out there)
[Posted in FML issue 4562]