In terms of the FML, and elsewhere in life, there are times where
revealing sources would possibly cause a person the loss of a group that
they associate with ( and hope to change.) Or it might even lead to the
loss of a job for the person who spoke to you in confidence..that did not
say " do not reveal my name." But because of who the individual is, and
the situation that had arisen, and the wobbly ground this person was
standing on at feel most strongly that revealing these sources
would cause irreversible harm to these people.
Some people are not to be satisfied, no matter what proof is offered,
anyway.  Their minds were made up, locked and sealed before you said or
wrote a word..Others would be convinced by the names and documents of
people you have and could reveal.  But if that evidence would most likely
cause consequences that would be detrimental to people?  What to do..
Sometimes, a situation would be vastly more clear if all is revealed.
I chose a specific path once that I would Never have gone down had it
not been for the strong urgings of one person, who was a key member of
a certain group.  I believe if I had revealed this persons' name when
a problem arose, this individual might have sufferered a loss of
employment, and loss of access to all the good she/he did.
I also never revealed the writings of two others in a situation I came
up against.  I am trying to be as foggy as I can, yet hope some of you
understand what I am saying.
There might be times..with excellent reason..  that things need to be
brought out on the FML.  For example, Many of us are giving our ferrets
Lupron.  I was intrigued by the idea of giving the shots myself.
But sometimes,one might find him or herself limited in what can be
revealed, unless putting others at risk.  Yet one might find it anywhere
from important to urgent that something be written.
To destroy worthy people, or hurt them,or betray their trust while
attempting to prove a point is a thought.  Save yourself.  sacrifice
people who have trusted you.
I can fully understand the need people can have for every single name and
every single document.  I am not saying that sarcastically.  I mean it.
I totally understand.
But I believe that whenever possible, honor has to take front seat...even
if it demands a very high price.
I am now concerned enough about what I have read to continue driving 40
minutes each way for the Lupron shots once a month.  I appreciate all
sides of the situation.  That is just what I personally decided to do.
If one cannot verify, verify, verify without possibly hurting others,
can merely verify ( ;-) ) but feels it is important to speak out... I
appreciate the person who spoke out.  And I appreciate the person who
wants more proof.
Just keep in mind that you can believe what you chose in the end...and
that sometimes not all can be revealed without a loss of honor.
[Posted in FML issue 4560]