For a little over a week, all Trina has wanted to do is sleep.  She has
insulinoma, is currently at .5 cc prednisone twice a day.  Jeff took her
to the vet on Monday, they couldn't find anything wrong.  He thought
maybe she had a virus, but she didn't have a fever.  In fact, she
struggled a lot and told the vet off when he took her tempature!  He did
say if she had a virus, the predisone would make it worse.  She's still
eating and drinking, her poop looks good, and when I get her up to give
her the pred and a treat, she's alert.  But after that, she crawls back
into bed.  I've also been giving her Nutrical a couple times a day.
Sometimes when she wakes up, her eyes look watery.  She's also had a
blood blister on her toe a couple times, the last one was probably 2
weeks ago (don't know if that has anything to do with this or not).
Anyone have any ideas?
P.S. Trina is 4 1/2, assuming what her former owner told the shelter
was the correct age.
[Posted in FML issue 4562]