Um.........hello.....tap, tap, dis ting on?
Test, 1, 2.....Test 1, 2.
Dis notice only for all da ferrets out dere - not for hoomins!!
Dis is Emmie Lou Ferret e-mailing you from da Ferret Haven in da great
state of Kentucky.
Emmie want to remind you dat one of my good friends, Mr. Glen, has a big,
Big, BIG raffle going on to help support da many ferrets at Da Rescue &
Sanctuary of Kentucky where ferrets are taken in from many situations and
taken care of for da rest of der lives.  You can see all da items......
9 Prizes in all........on da WWW (Wonderful World of Weasels) at:
Dese are really nice prizes.........Emmie especially want to win da
Ferret Box of Frolic, and all da baskets of goodies, and oooh, look at
dose nice beds & hammies and hahahah.....hehehehe, I rolling around
layghing at dis.....dere's a book ......."Ferrets for Hoomin Dummies"!!
If your hoomin is a dummy, I really sorry for you and you should buy all
da tickets you can get to win dis book!!
It very easy to get tickets for dis raffle.  Emmie just entered da
numbers for her Mommy's PayPal account and Poof...........I buy 12
tickets just like dat!!  You can mail your $$ to Mr. Glen too.........I
not tink you can pay in kibble though.
So Please go shopping and buy da tickets.  Den when you get your raffle
ticket numbers, print da e-mail out and put it in your hidey hole until
da end of August.  Your hoomin will be so surprised when your delivery
comes....but beware, if you win da book, dey might catch on to dis trick
but dats OK, den we talk about debit cards next time!!
Kisses & Kibbles,
Emmie Lou Ferret
[Posted in FML issue 4590]