I hope that you are not blaming PETCO.  I work for PETCO and we do not
tell people such things.  I can only of course speak for my store, but
being in management and working closely with the ferrets there, I know
for a fact that no one in my store would ever do that.  We NEVER diagnose
anything.  In fact, we try and find out what is going on and then advise
them to take the ferret to the vet immediately.  We have 3 vets that we
work closely with and one is very well known in the ferret and exotic
animal community.  I know that not all of the PETCO's are the same,
however I can speak for 3 stores that would never do that.  So please do
not think that people at PETCO would actually tell someone to do that.
We DON'T.  I am curious to know where this particular PETCO is located.
A Ferret Friendly PETCO employee
[Posted in FML issue 4588]