Hi this is the Momma of Tubbles,
Well we have news, I know he was just posted earlier on his conditions
and nothing was known well we know now.  I went to visit him this morning
on my way to work and the vet said he felt an exploratory surgery would
be best and i agreed, so we did so.  He has prostate disease, enlarged
spleen and ready for the big hitter i took, he also has adrenyl in the
RIGHT adrenyl gland.  the vet has no experiance removing the adrenyl
gland.  also his urethra seems to keep closing up which witht he combo
of the prostate disease and the urethra he ends up with the complete
inability to urinate.
the vet is doing all he can while he is not as experianced as i would
hope but they are the best vets in the area they are ran by the humane
society and he is one great guy.  i truly wish i was still down south
where my old vet was who handled all my rescues prior.  in the vets words
his prognosis is grim.  I have not ever had a rescue let alone my
personal ferret have his right adrenyl affected.  always been the left
and they got over it just grand after surgery.  i was given the rest of
the day off work and i have tomorrow off i am taking him back to the vet,
i didndt leave him there because i found out they are all alone from 5:30
pm till 8:30 am and i didnt want him all alone when he needs love the
most and a watchful eye.  so i brought him home.  when we got home while
he was still sedated we layed on the bed and tok a nap together, i think
i just cried myself to sleep, no matter how many time i have gone
through different things and battles with these guys the pain of these
diagnosises never get any easier.  even my vet cried when he had to tell
me.  then a few hours later he woke up and went poopoo and moved a lil
bit and ate a lil so thats a good sign.  i just hurt real bad inside for
him, he was rescued a while back but he ended up our personal ferret
through our move and his connection between him and my husband and my
husband decided he was staying, which my husband rarely does.  all
please keep tubbles in your thoughts.
[Posted in FML issue 4587]