Hi everyone, My name is Cleo, my brother Cyris and me come to you to
borrow some strength for our elder Tubbles.  See momma named him Tubbles
i guess cuz he is so "fat" as i say it.  See my figure is very in shape.
Oh sorry Cyris told me to get back to the point, see I have this habbit
of rambling on about myself, oh sorry he cyris said im doing it again.
Anyways back to my point of why dragged the lap top away and are secretly
using it under mommas desk.  See Tubbles went away last night and he
didnt come home this morning.  Momma and Daddy been a lil sad lately too
Tubbles has sbeen having some problems doing the deed in the litter box
and he is alway trying to teetee but he cant.  I watch him and as a lady
*cyris is laughing at me* as i was saying AS A LADY, i could never
imagine leting pussy urine soak allover my lovely coat.  BUT Tubbles is,
Momma says he cant help it, that he has no control.  He also hasnt been
wakeing up for play time or to clean me *which is urgent cuz cyris doesnt
do it right* but also he dont get up to fight with cyris.  he just sleept
in the hammock doing nothing but sleeping.  Daddy rushed him to the vet
yesterday while Momma was at work, and he came home without him.  Momma
says they have a catheter in him and are sending blood to tennesee at
this huge college there.  Momma says she doesnt know when he can come
home.  Momma also said we should give him some of our strength.  see
cyris tells me everything cuz im deaf but he says momma is on this group
and you are good humans like momma and daddy.
can you all send him some strength to over come this so i can PLEASE get
groomed properly, and so momma will stop crying.  Momma rescues us and we
got lucky we got to stay and didnt go no where, momma got us when we were
8 weeks old from a very mean person who gave us to a doggy prison, sorry
cyris says it is called the animal shelter.
anyways i think tubbles is a special guy momma has had him for 3 and a
half years and she paid some one for him cuz she wanted him out of his
home and the woman wanted money but was mean to him so momma did it.
daddy says this will cost alot but mommy doesnt care.  cyris says the
reason momma isnt home with us all day is cuz she has to support the
shelter and pay for medical stuff.  ok cyris just bit me saying to
shut up now, see i talk alot and i cant help it as a princess i feel,
OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWIE ok we have to go now cyris realy means it.  so
please send Tubbles some strength.  thank you
Cleo and Cyris
Chelles 2nd Chance Ferret Haven
PO Box 196 Maxbass ND 58760
[Posted in FML issue 4587]