This is Susie Lee of The Ferret And Dove Sanctuary, Inc.
We're gathered in remembrance of a little lady ferret who had touched
the lives of many.
Originally adopted by a professor and a teacher, she was a tiny but
determined little albino lady ferret, sleek and whipcord-slim.  When her
first people aquired a puupy, they gave her to Heaven Scent Ferrets'
Sandi Robinson who had care of her for about 6 months and was slowly
getting much-needed weight on Lady Coke with regular duck-soup feedings,
some five years before when Lady Coke was turned in to her at the age of
nearly 5.  Then dear Sandi had family members become ill and here were
we, able to give around-the-clock care because we're retired, so Lady
CokeLeSweet and another long-term-care were brought to be fostered by us.
I have already told the longer story of how Lady Coke was a "biter",
disliking being handled at all, for she always did demand to be treated
like a Lady with a capital "L".  So I had begun the same treatment which
I later gentled a similarly "fierce" Cleopatra Pearl Ferret.  Holding
the Lady along my left arm facing my palm, I would put small amounts of
already-warmed home-made "duck soup"in my palm for the Lady to lap up.
Each successive feeding she became more eager for her meals and less
suspicious of human hands and handling.  From the moment she was left
with us, she was Never scruffed again.  After about six months, she
forgot all about biting.  After two years, she forgot why she ever
considered biting, and though she had lost her former ferret-companion
to cancer, she had gained two others, the most recently mentioned having
been Saint Simone So-Lovely Spirit, who took gentle care of her more
elderly companion.  You know what?  It was after the Lady's forgetting
about biting that the product of Vanilla Coke came out!  Makes one wonder
what real influence ferrets may have on the Universal consciousness,
doesn't it!
So at just over 9 hearty years of age, in the most comfort we could
possibly contrive, and in deep contentment and peace, Lady Coke LeSweet
has passed through the Veil in a quiet little nap between one feeding
and the next, having affected the lives of many and brought learning and
enlightenment to each of us.
[Posted in FML issue 4586]