1. There is a ferret in a MA Petco that has some sort of problem whereby
her back legs occasionally stop working when she walks.  She is very
playful and active, and a bloodwork panel was normal.  Petco is willing
to give her away for free to a good home, and the vet she saw already
feels it is either a congenital problem or damage from an injury
sustained in transit, both of which I believe Marshall Farms would be
obligated to pay for.  My boarded surgeon where I work (VCA Northboro
Animal Hospital in MA) has agreed to evaluate her and see what she thinks
is wrong and what her prognosis and treatment options are.
If anyone would help out with this little girl, even in a fostering
capacity (I can't take her right now-I have five, with one having her
2nd adrenalectomy in 5 months next week, and 2 insulinomics, one of
whom may also need his 2nd adrenalectomy in 6 months soon), that would
be great.  I am willing to help as I can with vet stuff, etc.
2. This is from soneone who contacted me to try and place her fuzzies
personally rather than bring them to a shelter; she feels that the place
she got them from was not a suitable alternative, nor does she think
they're still around.  I said I would post to groups that I know of;
you can contact me and I'll get in touch with her so you can find out
the whole story.  I know in general that animals that are adopted from
shelters should be returned to those shelters, but this person really
was uncomfortable with the conditions at that shelter and feels she
would be doing the ferrets a disservice if she brought them back.  I'm
just the bearer of news:
"I have two ferrets, both around 3 years old *exact age unknown.  I
rescued them from a shelter... (which was horrible itself.) Now that I
am moving I tried giving them to a shelter and was told that any...
shelter would return them to the shelter I got them from, which is not
acceptable.  The conditions there were not great.  40 or so ferrets in
tiny cages, my ferrets had no been exercised in a long time and were used
to sleeping all the time.  It took several months for them to play.
Ok that being said, they are both around 3 we think, based on the vet's
suggestions.  One is dark and the other light, both have solid sight and
hearing.  From what we know they are both healthy.  Bonkers, the hyper
and darker one, went through a coat change and we thought for a while it
might be cancer, but after molting he has returned to normal.  Doser is
the skinnier and light one, and LOVES licking people.  They both do
really well around people.  I have cats and a puppy and they are well
acclamaited to both.  When I got the two, they were no longer babies and
we not fully litter box trained.  So in the cage they will either make
the box or will make around the box, but are always close.  When let
loose they still do poop in corners and will not use the corner litter
pans for some reason.  The story the shelter told me was that they were
rescued from a holter janitor closet where they ate garbage.  However
they both eat ferret food just fine.
The come with a 7 foot cage, a large enclosed playpen (which can be taken
apart easily), many toys, treats, and top of the line food, as well as a
Ferrets for Dummies book.  I have all of their vet records, though they
are due currently for their one years.  I will send you pics (my hotmail
is not working well now, so I will send next e=mail.)  I amwilling to
drive them wherever, but would like them to be with experienced owners,
as I don't want them ending up back at that horrible shelter."
Please contact me personally about either case; I haven't been able to
read my FMLs much lately :( (I miss you guys!!!)
April AC and the Auburn Five
[Posted in FML issue 4586]