Connie wrote:
>Is it possible to confuse ECE with coccidia?  Just curious if the
>symptoms are similar
Very good question Connie!
Indeed back in 1997 I believe we had a coccidia contagion in the shelter.
Everyone in our limited ferret community kept insisting we had ECE as the
syptoms are greatly alike.  It took a weel to ten days to get a diagnosis
as coccidia are not always shed in the stool during fecal exam, and it
took 3 tests to find them.  By that time we had more ferrets ill so we
ended up treating 26 ferrets daily with albon!  Casper, a very ill intake
had brought the bugs to the shelter!
In those early days ferrets were thought not to be susceptible to
coccidia-- just shows how much things can change in a few years!
Alicia at
[Posted in FML issue 4557]