Harley Bug is in my thoughts today as it is his 2 year death anniversary.
Harley had a hard life with all his surgeries, etc but he was such a
loved ferret and Randy kept him loved, happy, and content.  He just kept
overcoming the odds he had against him.  He had strenght and courage and
so much more.
Harley, thank you for leading the way for Tazzie.  You set such a great
example for him.
I took the Harley Bug Challenge!  I have sponsored Coochie Momma from
Rocky's Shelter for a year.
I hope some more of you will take Harley's challenge and sponsor a ferret
from your favorite shelter.  What a legacy that is for Harley.
Bless you Randy for all that you have done and will continue to do.
[Posted in FML issue 4555]