>If you ask Larry if this is lupron depot he will tell you it isn't.  If
>you ask him for the monthly lupron you will receive this lupron.  We
>give it monthly and even though it isn't the depot form it works for
>that amount of time in our experience.  The difference in wording may be
>causing some confusion.
It would really be best if he NOT call it the "monthly" Lupron.  The
reason is simple: at this point what exist are two conflicting
hypotheses: his on how and when it might work, and the other on the ways
in which using it could worsen adrenal disease.  While there are those
who have reported good results from some, others have reported ferrets
lost, so it would be very best for the wording to be carefully chosen to
get across that this is an EXPERIMENTAL approach with limitations but
which has trials behind it.
If it can be understood in the future which cases might be helped this
way then those individuals will have a good option.
Also, if it can be discovered which ones might be worsened with this
approach then that info could save lives.
Again, he really should NOT be calling it the monthly version.  In doing
so confusion is happening (and I think that the wording makes confusion
inevitable), and he might be accidently setting himself up for problems.
There is nothing wrong with the hospital saying that they have found some
ferrets for whom this non-depot approach causes effects that can last for
a month, but they need to be careful to not confuse it with the monthly
or the 4 month depot versions which are the known safe approach.
>If the lupron Larry makes available is being used by anyone out here
>(there are many vets that use it) and they are seeing positive results
>on this monthly dose, please post your detailed experiences so others
>can see if it is possibly an option for their ferrets if they can't
>afford the more costly treatment.  And yes, if you've used it and it
>hasn't worked for your ferret, you can post too.
Yes, people should post BOTH results.  Certainly, they are being
discussed privately, so why not?  Just, please, everyone be civil,
and Troy Lynn, PLEASE, encourage LS to use other wording.  I think the
entire confusion could have been avoided if that simple precaution had
been used from the start, and I think that one simple solution could
help every single individual involved, perhaps him most of all.
[Posted in FML issue 4555]