Juzt in case you missed it:
It'z me.  Princess Pepper.  Me wanna tell ya a secret.  Me went hi-tech
and me gotz something on eBay.  I sellin' it ta raise money for SOS
<http://www.supportourshelters.org/> ).
But don't tell mommy caz she not know and she kill me if she findz out.
so will Queen Spice.  So hush hush but would someone buy it?
Me wantz ta make SOS proud and give dhem money so dhey can help odher
shelters.  All da money from this one goes ta SOS.
dhat da link above.  Me getting' smartz.
Ok.  Now you go bid like a good hooman.
Oh oh.  you can put dhis on odher listz too.  How dhey say it?  Ya have
mi preminison.  Or somtin likez dhat.
Hugz and Luvz,
Princess Pepper
[Posted in FML issue 4553]