What a lovely surprise to start the day.  Sharon <[log in to unmask]>
is always doing something for the FERRET BUSINESS of GA fosters.  She
recently became enslaved by 2 of our foster boys - Minky, who was turned
into GA Dept of Natural Resources, unneutered, as a mink, & Geiger
(Counter) who had unbridled energy & something to say about everything.
Besides being among the most thoughtful & giving people I have the
pleasure to know, she must have nerves of steel ;).
But it is easy to see how McKenzie can steal your heart.  Meet our little
gimpy girl & her companion Fiona at
Juliana Quadrozzi
   ------ Forwarded by Juliana Quadrozzi on 06/23/04 09:24 AM -----
          from:  "Sharon B." <[log in to unmask]>
          subject:  Sponsorship?
Dear Shelter Mom, Juliana.
I, Stormy Ferret wants to take da 'Harley Bug Challenge' and sponsor a
shelter kid.  Da mom was telling me about a little one at your shelter
that had a bum leg.  I think I would like ta sponsor that little one ifn
it's ok with you.
Please let me know and ifn I can I will save my raisin money ta send.
It won't be much but maybe it will help.
Stormy out....
PS Can you post ta da FML place about the little one I will be
sponsoring.  Harley 'Bug' wanted to know about the shelter kids out
there.  Thanks much!!
[Posted in FML issue 4553]