Hi!  I'm Jules!  I'm sort of a newbie here, I was on this list years
ago when I was even more of a youngster (I'm 17).  I've always had an
interest in ferrets.  My First experience with one was at my grandfathers
rehabilitation center after he fell off a latter.  I took care of it etc.
and since then I've wanted a ferret and wanted to do rehabilitation or
visitation therapy with them.
Well I've got two ferrets now.  I've had Julliet since last August.
She's gonna be Appx. 3 this August.  and I just got Romeo two saturdays
ago, he's probably 10 - 11 weeks now.
So there's my little introduction.  Now for my questions.  I have a few!
1. Has anybody had any experience with using Fresh Magic Cat Litter for
their ferrets?
2. Is it dangerous to put baking soda (powder?  I always get them
confused)... in the litter to help with the smell?..  my dad suggested
it..  I think it'd be VERY messy... but not sure if it'd be dangerous.
My Ferrets don't eat their litter, they're very good about that.  Romeo
didn't even dig in it after I firmly told him no a few times, but yea..
I was wondering if anyone has any tips about that or anything to help
with smell (other than frequent cleaning)
3. Does anyone have any experience about PureAir or Ionic Air Filters
(you know.,.  those filterless negative ion air filter things)..  do they
work or not?
4. Also any tips for a harness for a kit?  I home made my Julliets
harness, but she's full grown.  I don't want to make a harness for Romey
yet, because he'll just grow out of it.  I have a lil bit of ribbon
twisted into a "collar" that has a bell and I'm testing out a peice of
leather string tied into a harness (No slip knots or anything..  I'm not
that dumb!) but I'd like something sturdier.  Any Ideas on what I could
use?  I have one of those things that is a harness and leash all in one..
leather thing that goes over the feet and stuff... that I cut the holes
so he can walk right.. but I'd like a harness for him..  does anyone
know of a way to make one that would grow with him or a inexpensive but
not cheap one to buy?
5. BEFORE I get ANY flames..  I'd like to explain my term DEAFective...
it's a play on words (and a joke between me and a friend) ..  defective
sounds like DEAFective..  and Romey..  I suspect is deaf... he's a sorta
blazeish type color pattern... and doesn't react to loud sounds and
stuff..  only occasionally does he seem to react to any sounds at all...
which could be flukes... but I was wondering if anyone knows of a good
home test to do... or something I could suggest to the vet when I take
them for their shots to test to see if he really is deaf?... and I need
some tips on training him and such... I'd like to train him and my other
ferret to come to a lazer pointer... or vibrations from stomping on the
floor.. any tips?
please no flames about being inexperience or anything!  I am just looking
for suggestions and tips and help..  we all started somewhere.
- Jules
And Romeo Ashkevron & Julliet Rethwellan
[Posted in FML issue 4552]