>This is Troy-Lynn's vet and Kat P. referred me to him.  I've used 12
>doses on my own guys so far & have shared my supply with others as we buy
>it together to save on shipping costs.
>Are you ready for the price??  $14.50 for each 1-month dose.
>It does have to be shipped cold, and that's something like $18.50, so
>order as many doses together as you can - it keeps for 6 months.
>Jerri Carel
>The Ferret Haven
>Louisville, KY
>(502) 261-0880
I get mine from the following - it's 1 month doses, pre-measured in a
syringe with a needle.
Dr. Larry Snyder
University Small Animal Clinic
2619 SW 17th St.
P.O. Box 4135
Topeka, KS 66604
[Posted in FML issue 4552]