It's me again, Dweezil's mom.  We thought she had developed ulcers
about 3 weeks ago when she'd stopped eating and was doing the
chin-rubbing/pawing/chattering-mouth-motions things.  I started feeding
her Duck Soup and we treated her for the requisite number of weeks with
Amoxi/Pepcid/Carafate, but it really didn't do anything.
So this past Friday I had a blood panel done.  Just got the results back.
Uh-oh. :(  Everything looks pretty good, with the exception of her liver,
notably the ALT levels.  Normal is 280-300 (according to the vet), hers
is 2000!  So he's suspecting either hepatic lipidosis, or worse, cancer.
I've scheduled her for an ultrasound, but it can't be done until next
Wednesday!  I'm sweating bullets here, not wanting to wait that long
sitting on my hands, wondering if she's going to get even worse by then!
(figuring likely).
So what I'm wondering, are there any natural, herbal 'alternative' meds
I can give her to help reduce the high enzyme level?  I personally take
Milk Thistle for my liver (since I drink!), and I also take a number of
other herbals to support my gall bladder since my first attack last
December; as well as for my general health and anti-aging.  I don't
know if any of those would be beneficial to her or not.  If anyone has
experience in this area (Mary Conley, are you out there?) or has dealt
with the same thing in their ferts, please let me know on-or-off list.
Dweezil's not on any meds now except for Prevacid, about 10 'beads' out
of a 30mg capsule, once a day.
Otherwise she seems fine!  She's still eating only Duck Soup, but she
seems to be eating more of that than she was a couple weeks ago.  She's
got energy, she's alert, you wouldn't know there's anything wrong just
by looking at her.  But I'm so scared for my little girl!
Thanks for anyone's're all the greatest! :)
Sherrie, aka daoine o', the ferret queen
Dweezil, Razzle, Monty-boo, and Jezebel
[Posted in FML issue 4532]