This is to add to the post submitted to the FML (June 18-19th).
There is definately something going around.  And it's using my email to
do it (minus the extension).  If anyone get's an email with the sender's
address being [log in to unmask] - delete it immediately.  I don't
know how or where this virus originated from, only that it contains a
legitimate post I submitted to the FHL in May, but it has an attachment.
And I received the email twice this morning myself.  Fortunately, I have
an anti-virus program that caught it (no, it wasn't going "nuts"), but I
know there are still alot of people out there who don't invest in
protecting their systems.  I've spoken to someone in my IT department
at work and it could be a number of things.  But the bottom line is - if
you don't know who it's from - delete it.  Regardless of the subject.
My apologies to anyone that's been "hit".
[Posted in FML issue 4550]