IS the NH Governor TRULY a Humane focused individual?
The following notice was posted April 17, 2004 The VERY DAY that Gov
Craig Benson signed a 400% increase in annual animal shelter licensing
fees to begin effective Jan 1, 2005!  This increase pushes licensing
costs to an all time high and on a level across the board fee with pet
retailers and commercial breed kennels (the sources of many animal
neglect /abuse complaints) in the state of NH.  .......
WHEREAS , domesticated animals provide support, companionship and
assistance to many citizens of the State of New Hampshire;
WHEREAS , failure to provide proper care for domestic animals is
troubling and abuse of such animals is both unacceptable and criminal;
WHEREAS , numerous studies have documented the connection between
violence against animals and violence against humans; and
WHEREAS , the prevention of animal abuse is important to the safety
and welfare of New Hampshire citizens; and
WHEREAS , it is necessary for the State to perform a thorough analysis
and review of all statutory provisions, administrative rules and
regulations, and State, community and private programs in order to ensure
that there are effective means in place to address the humane treatment
of animals in New Hampshire.
HAMPSHIRE , by the authority vested in me by Part II, Article 41 of
the New Hampshire Constitution, do hereby order that:
1. There is established the Governor's Task Force on the humane
treatment of animals.  The Task Force shall evaluate the extent and
causes of animal abuse in New Hampshire; perform a thorough analysis
of all statutory administrative rules, and State, community and private
programs that address animal abuse; and provide recommendations to the
Governor on ways to better prevent and address animal abuse in New
2. The Task Force shall consist of the following members: Four citizens
appointed by the Governor who are informed and concerned about animal
abuse prevention; the State Veterinarian; the Executive Director of the
Fish & Game Department or his designee; the President of the N.H.  Police
Chiefs or his designee; the Director of the New England Regional office
of the Humane Society of the United States or her designee; the Director
of the New Hampshire Federation of Humane Organizations or her designee;
the Director of the UNH Cooperative Extension or his designee; the
President of the New Hampshire Veterinary Medical Association or his
designee; A municipal official nominated by the Municipal Association
and appointed by the Governor; the Attorney General or his designee; a
member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the
House and a member of the Senate appointed by the President of the
Senate.  The Chairperson shall be designated by the Governor.
Given at the Executive Chambers in Concord this 17th day of May, in the
year two thousand and four, and the independence of the United States of
America two hundred and twenty eight.
Though on the surface this bill looks effective and positive- I will
warn you for ferrets or their caretakers - I fail to see any hope of
improvement.  In fact the new increase which takes effect Jan 1, 2005,
makes the licensed NH animal shelters who are cleaning up after the
animal messes contributed to by the retail trades and breeders paying the
same licensing fees (as a commercial kennel or pet retail operation) for
the priviledge of cleaning up the messes these sources leave behind!
This does not seem equitable to me, a taxpayer and volunteer in the
humane comunity of NH.
Further, the task force does not include ANY reps that are ferret
friendly.  For example - to date the NH Dept.  of Agriculture has failed
to enforce any age of sale infractions on behalf of ferrets or their
The NH Federation does not promote or urge their NH shelters to provide
sheltering of ferrets nor have they been in the past receptive of any
ferret education by established ferret shelterers.  For those NH
residents & tax payers who want to see their animals treated equally with
pother companion animals ( cats, dogs, horses) I foresee your pets and
you will be once again negated and overlooked.
But then again-- when the powers that be can raise the costs of
licensing, of those who do provide the services for abuse and neglect
animal victims, what can we really and truly expect?
Alicia Drakiotes,
an unhappy NH taxpayer & ferret owner.
[Posted in FML issue 4532]