Hi everyone.  I'm writing because I'm concerned about some type of bug I
found in my ferret's cage.  I believe they are eating the ferrets poop;
I found them under the littler box with a bunch of litter (Yesterday's
News) my ferrets decided to dig out and stash under there.  I completely
clean out the cage every week and scoop out the used letter 2 to 3 times
daily.  Yesterday was cleaning day and I took out the litter box and
was cleaning off the plastic levels and ramps when my boyfriend noticed
the litter at the bottom of the cage moving.  I looked and saw about
10 little brownish insects, about a centimeter long and oval (like
centipedes), burrowing through the litter on the bottom of the cage.
I checked in the littler box, and I couldn't find any bugs in there.
Does anyone know what these bugs are?  If my fuzzies have eaten one
or two before I noticed them, will they be hurt by them?  Stools and
everything look normal, and they've been eating and drinking fine.  I
already checked the fuzzies for bites and the bedding/food for bugs and
I haven't found anything.  I cleaned EVERY part of the cage yesterday
because I'm not sure if they lay eggs or what.  Needless to say, I'll
be checking under the litter box every time I scoop to make sure there
are no bugs.
Thanks for your help in advance,
Heather, Arwen, and Gizmo
[Posted in FML issue 4550]