Yes, I am sorry, I did miss the third shot.  I did not proof read as
for I was trying to do too many things at one time yesterday.....LOL.
So both Tara and Mary are right.  I just wanted to make sure that when
people are purchasing kits from pet stores, the pet stores often do not
give them their shot records nor even inform them that shots were given
or needed.  If they are either Path Valley ferrets or Marshall Farms
Ferrets they have had one set of shots already.  Depending on the age of
the ferret Unless you do AFA or other shows, this is something alot of
people don't know about.  And they also are under the misconception that
if their ferret does not go out, they are safe from alot of the diseases
the shots prevent.  I also see this in the dog community.  They think if
their dog does not go to a kennel, they do not need kennel cough shots,
or if they do not leave the yard, they do not need their distemper shots.
Galaxy Shots Vs Purvac or Furvac
We use Furvac here.  I have not had a problem with it, and prefer it.
Purvac is what the shot clinics we go to use and again we have not had a
problem with it either.  I have vaccinated over 150 times with not one
reaction.  (KNOCK ON WOOD).  I have seen the reaction though and it was
good it happened at the vet's office.  Had those people left, the ferret
might have not made it.  So that is why it is very important to stay at
the vet's office.  As to why my vet uses Galaxy, you will have to ask
him.  He allows me to take my shots to them and they will administer
them in his presences in case of a reaction.  He was not aware at the
AFA does not accept Galaxy as an approved shot, so there maybe some
education on the AFA part that needs to be done with Ferret Vets.  If
you have any flyers or information, I will be happy to take it to him.
He is always willing to learn.
TinyPrints Shih Tzu and Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferretry
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Ebay and Stores
[Posted in FML issue 4549]