At 7:00 this morning I discovered Murphy asleep in basket.  He looked so
cute that I had my husband look an then took a picture.  I then picked
him up to put him in a cage (as he always attached the other 9 ferrets
when he was up).  I was totally shocked when I felt that he was somewhat
cold and that he had died!  My husband thought I was kidding!
Now what in the world could of happened????  I got Murphy from the Humane
Society a year ago in April.  He was still being quarantined from the
others when on Memorial Day weekend last year, we were watching my
daughter's dalmation when she decided he was a "playtoy" and was tossing
him in the air on the bed.  Murphy was shook up but seemed to be okay.
No blood or anything.  The next day he didn't act normal and so took him
to the vet who put him on an IV and noticed bruises and 2 small sort of
puncture type wounds in his rib area.  He got better, but always attached
our other ferrets when they were able to be together again....and never
had ANY fear from the "granddog" OR our 3 dogs.
Murphy never cried, panted, coughed, or in any way acted sick.  Even just
yesterday him & I took a car ride together and he was a great rider!  He
even slept with one of our other ferrets yesterday...the only one he
tolerated...on occasion.
I searched the archives as kind of remember seeing something about a
"lung puncture" back when he was hurt and a ferret that died many months
later.  Could this of been his problem?
Does anyone have any possible answers?  He was just so healthy yesterday!
I called him my "little Smurf".  We had such good times together and my
heart is breaking.
To top it off, my older ferret, Dude, passed away during the night, too.
We had expected this as his heart only had about 60-62 beats per minute
when he was at the vet maybe about 6 weeks ago and we were told it could
be at any time.
Would really appreciate some possible answers is anyone has any.  We
never knew how old he was.  I always figured at least 4.
Thanks for any answers.
My Smurf and Dude have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.  They are being
greeted by: Samson, Abbey, Hayley, Winston, Austin, Elliott, and Aspen.
Be a good boy, Smurf...they're there to love you and keep you company
for a while.  And Dude, once again you're reunited with a very healthy
Austin.  Kisses to all of them for me, please.  And, Murphy, PLEASE be
nice.  I miss you all!!  God only loaned all of you to me but you've
stolen my heart...which is breaking.  Your loving earthly mom....
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[Posted in FML issue 4549]