Hello my dear friends!  thank you to everyone who is taking my challenge
( http://www.ferretaid.org/home/challenge.html )  We had some more of my
American friends take the challenge - even Stormy Ferret!  i really would
like to encourage you to look at the page and take the challenge!
the shelter took in three cuties this week.  Topper is a 5 year old
little boy.  He is desperately looking for a friend to cuddle with.  He
has not been exposed to ECE as he is in a foster home for a short while.
Lila and Stitchie are two lil' girlie girls who were found wandering an
apartment building covered in fleas.  They love to play in the big group
and bounce around.  they are both well under a year old.
Toot-Toot Timbit, the Stoat has been spoiled this week.  mommie, aunties
Aggie, Bonnie and Uncle Nigel have been giving into his every whim.  He
now has an indoor grass play area, a stoat sized swimming pool, a HUGE,
messy dig box and a cat tree with two compartments to climb and play in.
Timbit had a visitor on Saturday.  it was the officer from the Ministry
of Natural Resources and an officer from Environment Canada.  They will
be taking Timbit from mommie and placing him in a zoo or outreach
program.  this makes mommie sad because they really don't care which
zoo he goes to as long as it's licensed.
mommie knows there are a lot of zoos out there that are not good places,
even though they have a license.  Just because a facility is licensed,
hardly means it's a good place for animals to go.
there is a zoo in Hamilton that is a licensed place, but they also breed
ferrets and sell them unaltered for $40.  They also have no underground
water system so if an animal tips its water over, oh well, it has to
mommie is going to feverishly work this week to find a zoo for him that
has a good reputation.  please keep your fingers crossed that this
happens.  mommie really loves the Toot-Toot and it would break her
heart to have to give him to a nasty zoo just because it's "licensed".
my love to all, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
www.ferretaid.org <http://www.ferretaid.org/>
[Posted in FML issue 4549]