There is no way that I would give that ferret back to his owner.  His
condition is animal abuse, a person could be charged with a felony!  The
max. fine in WA is $10,000 and up to 5 years in prison.  The min. would
be a gross misdemeanor with 2 years probation.  If this animal was picked
up by the ASPCA, the owner would be arrested.  I would stress to the
owner the severity of animal neglect and the consequences, politely.  I
would give the little one as much love and happiness as possible, sounds
like he didn't have too much.  Try to get the owner some info on ferrets,
a lot of people will just go out and get another.  Tell them that the
ferret will be loved and will get the medical treatment he needs, even
say he/she could come visit to see the progress.  I know the owner may
be outraged, but most of the time their actions don't change, even with
education.  It is clear that the animal was suffering and nothing was
done.  As a last resort; if the owner threatens you, tell him/her that
you could file a police report about the abuse.
Good Luck and God Bless You.
Nichole Grant and 5 fur kids.
[Posted in FML issue 4531]