Yes, I was referring to "war torn, 'Nazi' Germany" before and during
WWII.  We all find things that are offensive but that is what makes this
(America) and other free countries that we live in so great, we can have
our own likes and dislikes and opinions and voice our thoughts and no one
can take that away from us with laws or the fear of someone coming to get
us in the middle of the night for believing what we do or for voicing our
opinions.  I'm really am sorry that you were offended, it certainly wasnt
meant to offend anyone, only to make the point that unlike that period
of time in Germany, most of us now live in countries that give us the
"freedom" to voice our opinions, which by the way doesn't necessarily
make us right or wrong (that depends on whose view you have :P), and I am
not belittling your right to be offended that is a personal feeling, but
if we waited to say something fearing it would offend someone we wouldnt
talk at all in this day and time with all the political correctiness
stuff for al l the different cultures and factions in our society that
you didnt worry about years ago and unless your were vulgar about things
trying to be offensive, people just didnt take offense easily, maybe they
realized that we are all human and not perfect, and I'm not talking about
trying to hurt people's feelings on purpose or being purposfully
Oh and by the way, I was born in Wiesbaden, Germany in 1951.
-- Vicky
"Ferret-Proof isn't"
[Posted in FML issue 4546]