I really feel badly to that sweet person who wanted the ferret and was
told that cats are predatory.
First of all I have three cats, one dog, two ferrets, three birds, a tank
of fish and two turtles.... AND WE ALL LIVE IN PEACE!!!
My youngest ferret is 6 months old, Pepe and my youngest cat is about the
same age and they ARE THE BEST OF FRIENDS!!!!  They love to play together
and even lay cuddling together.  Even my 4 month old boxer loves the
ferrets....they all play great.
I feel very sorry for that lady who said no..... just because she may
have had a bad experience or has received bad advise.... does not mean
you should listen.  She should have asked around here.  I'm sure there
are lots of us with "zoos".
We all love ALL our babies and would NEVER put any of them in harms way.
I'm sorry but that really upset me.  About that lady.... I wish I could
help.  I could always write her if they want :) :) :)
Hope everyone the best...
Love ya,
Daysi, and the gang
[Posted in FML issue 4546]