Several people have recently received ferret-related emails that have
viruses attached.  The messages look, and indeed are, legitimate--they
were originally posts on the Ferret Health List, one from about a month
ago with the subject "urgent - vet advice needed".  The messages have
From addresses that are not the original poster's.  Attached to the
message is a virus masquerading as a Word document.
Even if the email itself looks ok, do NOT open attachments you are not
expecting!  Make sure you have a good virus checker and keep it up to
date!  I know there are several people out there in the ferret community
who have viruses, as I often receive virus-laden emails that appear to
come from other ferret people.
Fortunately, I have a Mac and thus am immune from most viruses, and my
college mail server strips suspicious attachments automatically. :-)
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4544]