There IS a BIG difference between someone who rescues a ferret and those
that shelter AND rescue ferrets.  Those that rescue/shelter ferrets, are
legally in charge of rescue and gone through
the appropriate channels to BECOME a liscensed person to rescue AND
shelter!  They care for(tirelessly) these babies.......and at no matter
what age or sickness.....ALWAYS seek out the perfect forever home!  I
know some people PERSONALLY that have adopted adreanal/insulinomic
babies that were at deaths door.....JUST SO THEY WOULD HAVE THE LOVING
UN-adoptable!!!!!!.... not in a sheter's eye!  Not in the right home!
A rescuer, is the saint that opens their heart to the fuzzie they know
about....that is in a hurtful or neglectful situation.  I MYSELF am one
of them!!!!!  Gizmo, at 2 years old, came to me after learning his
littermate was already dead.........he was 1/2 pound and seized 3 times
the 1st night we had him..........he is now 4 years old and happy and
healthy....and I totally cried the 1st time the sweet boy danced.....and
still tear up a little every time I see him dance!!!!!!!  He is not, and
by no means EVER, an adoptable ferret........he's MINE!  THAT's the
The post earlier was shown as "bedding and rescue"......notice that
bedding is listed 1st.........none of these ferrets are adoptable.....
because they are hers........but the listing suggests we show sympathy
and help her to care for those she rescued.  WHAT ABOUT THE SHELTER
FERRETS?????????????????????????????  She takes away from these to
support her own personnal ferrets!  Not acceptable!  To sell bedding to
help with your ferrets is great.......but DON'T pull the heartstrings
away from the ferrets in the shelters!!!!!!!!!!  I hate it for anyone
that doesn't see this........but I AM a rescuer......that tends to donate
$$$ weekly to one shelter or another!  If I need great bedding.....I go
to ebay or links that I have and buy.......THAT is the place to get from
her.......and she will use it towards hers ferrets.....hopefully.  To
openly take the heartstings of every human ferret lover away from a TRUE
shelter is wrong!
My opinion......~Kim
[Posted in FML issue 4543]