My vets had been given a new CD vaccine that apparently was 'lower
reaction' causing for my ferret's annual, but instead my poor girl
suffered a bad, but not fatal, reaction, vomiting and throwing up.  If
not for the fact the people at Kato Animal Clinic are more than familiar
with reactions and got it under control quickly, she may have been in a
lot worse shape (they're good people, for those of you in Toronto, for
ferrets), but I need to find out the name of the vaccine.  I'm curious,
those of you in the vet communities, has there been a new vaccine
introduced to distributors reciently?  Dr. Kato seemed quite upset,
since mine were the first ferrets in her clinic to use it.
And do you know if a difficulty or inability to vaccinate against CD
may mean we wouldn't be able to have dogs?  I'm going to ask them when
they're in on Monday but I thought I'd ask here too.
[Posted in FML issue 4542]