On June 26th, it will be two years since i crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
In my memory, i would like all of you to do something for me.
Many of you called me a hero while i was alive and fighting all my
ailments.  Many of you made me into a super-star.  Many of you still
mourn my loss and think of me often, keeping my memory alive and my
stardom in the light.
i want to ask you to do that for other kids as well.
My challenge to you all is to pick a different shelter kid anywhere in
the world and sponsor him or her for the year.  Even if it is only $1 a
month, please do this for me.  Then i want you all to take the time to
post to the FML or Ferret Aid list a little story about your kid and let
the rest of us know about him/her.
bring other kids into the spotlight and show them love the way you showed
me and my mommie love when we needed it most.  there are hundreds of
shelters out there world wide and thousands of needy ferrets who will
benefit from having their stories told.  i ask you to do this in my name
and remembering that all ferrets deserve a second chance.
To see who has taken my challenge, please visit
my love and thanks to you all, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4542]