On June 2, we had to say goodbye to our oldest ferret Delta (almost eight
yrs).  He had a nice, full life, but he struggled at the end with weak
hindquarters, insulinoma, and lymphoma.  On Tuesday we discovered that
he had a deep ulcer in his left eye, as well as tumors around his heart
and lungs.  It was the right time for him to go.
We are happily picturing Delta back with his childhood friend Epsie.
They were such hyper little kits and got into much mischief together.
A sort of sad, sweet, funny thing happened as we tried to leave for the
vet.  Delta had fallen asleep in the travel cage, and all four of our
others were piled on top of him.  We have *never* seen all five of them
in a ferret pile together.  Even the two of ours who never get along
were being on their best behaviour.  We hated to disturb their goodbyes,
so we put the vet appointment until later in the afternoon.
For the last month of Delta's life, we let him wear wheels on occasion
when he was really dragging his hind legs.  He was quite a bit more
mobile in the wheels, except that he kept trying to walk next to and
over stuff.  I had to continually chase after him and get him untangled!
Anyway, we now have a set of wheels (made by Doggone Wheels) to give
away.  We would love to see them go to a shelter ferret in need, but we
will also give them away to a private individual who promises to redonate
them to the FML when they are no longer needed.  Please e-mail me if you
have a little rugrat who could use these.
Hugs to all the furkids,
Julie (and Ginger, Pepper, Zoe, and Sned)
[Posted in FML issue 4538]