Dear friends,
Lori (me) has been without her five Rat's Brats for nearly two months now
due to the cruelty of Willow Wood Apartment's management agency.  This
morning (Monday) I am just breaking down again; I'm missing them all so
much.  When I was reading the third Harry Potter book and found the parts
about the ferrets, I had my babies to cuddle and be thankful they were
alive; now, seeing the FML posts about the movie, I don't think I could
bare to watch the movie - I haven't got my babies to cuddle.  I found out
for the first time what a dead animal felt like the day after ny birthday
last year, June 20th; Smokey, a six-year-old female passed away from a
blockage.  The Harry Potter book references made me want to hurt somebody
for writing such references about dead ferrets, when there are so many
people that have carried their little furry kids from their cages never
to dook on Earth again.  So, now that I am crying (pardon my typing
please), Sandee or Sara, please check on my Smokey; she should be
tunneling through pine straw and bossing everybody else around.  She
finally gave kisses to my husband after two months of living here; she
wasn't treated well by a man before we got her.  I've got to go now; I
can't stop crying.
Lori trying very hard to get Rat's Brats back
[Posted in FML issue 4537]