Tequita wrote:
>He wondered about parvo.  I've never heard of parvo in ferrets!?
ADV is a parvo virus.  I recommend you have a necropsy done on Teddy, and
have your other ferrets tested.  And yes, it can hit that suddenly, we
had it happen here.
Don: We used Bi-Odor and it really helped -- I wasn't ever bothered by
their smell, but my husband was (he isn't the biggest ferret fan in the
world, but he's adjusted nicely in the past 6 years, now we don't even
have to use the Bi-Odor any more!).  Before using it we took the bottle
to the vet, and the vet said it was safe to use.  However, I noticed that
if I put too much in their water bottle, they got runny stools, so don't
do that.  I only put it in their water, not on their food, because I
didn't want their food to get soggy and rot.
Some ferret people have reported that their ferrets don't like it and
won't eat/drink anything containing it, so keep and eye on your guys to
make sure they don't go off their food and drink.
Mary Ann: A great cleaner is called Nature's Miracle...I buy it at
PetSmart, and I think theferretstore.com sells it too.  It comes in a
white bottle with black and red writing and a red cap.  It's wonderful
stuff...cuts through any odor and leaves a fresh, clean scent.  I love
Take care,
[Posted in FML issue 4536]