Hey!, This is Susie Lee-Hurley for myself and Wes at the Ferret And Dove
Sanctuary.  We just got our issue of Ferrets Magazine, for July/Aug, 2004
and What to our wondering eyes should appear but ourselves!  Or, rather,
our shelter's being listed along with other finely ferrety resources
right There!, on page 59!, in a national magazine publication!  Hot
diggity rice boxes!  It makes us feel as though we've "arrived" to be
in such great company!
This terrific bit came hard on the heels of our having just the same day
adopted out a ferret, four guinea pigs and a rabbit.  (when it rains
goodness, it pours!  Thank Goddess :) Want to see most of the fun-circus?
here we are....
[Posted in FML issue 4536]