This is in response to the person who is looking after the poor little
abused/neglected fuzzbutt - who's owner is requesting him back.  Your in
a tough spot here - here is what I would do:
First and foremost - be 100% honest with this gal - don't sugar coat
anything with her.  Tell her how sick her fuzzle is - and why it looks
like it is HER fault he is that bad.  If she can't take honesty - well,
too bad.  She needs a good dose of "reality" to put her into "check".
Personally -I don't think you should give him back.  That little fuzzy is
way too sick for her to have given a half a care about him and I believe
if you were to give him back, he would die soon.  You have a chance to
help this one (as you have so many others) - and I would take it.  If
it were me, not only would she NOT get her fuzzy back - she would get a
swift kick in the fanny to let her know how serious this is.
God Bless you for what your doin for this little one.
Kim and Her Army of Idiots
[Posted in FML issue 4534]