>If you didn't disclose ANY information then how would anyone know
>about it?
Actually, if you look at my past posts you'll see I did disclose some
general stuff that could have been just anybody's ferrets and which
really did explain the general situations but I drew a line when there
were demands for more because I felt that could have been intrusive upon
the people and they deserve more respect than that.  The fact of the
matter just is that people do not have a right to know whatever they want
to know all of the time and it would pretty awful if people could, even
if none of it was hurtful the sheer loss of privacy would be painful.
Privacy does matter.  I know that not everyone feels that way, but I do
and "to thine own self be true" and so on...
Now, there are other secrets which I was strenuously asked to never share
with anyone which even Steve doesn't know, and you know for sure that
means that no one else does because no one has ever mattered as much ever
in my life as he has these last 25 years.  The irony of this is that in
one of those cases I can't even recall the person's name any longer who
told me, but I do remember the secret which was told to me over 30 years
ago.  I don't tell anyone what it is, though, because I promised not to
and that is just that.  That is just the way I am.  Everyone has degrees
and types of sharing, but I have more than a few times (Okay, often.)
seemed rather distant to some people because I tend to be more careful
than most with what I share about others.  To be honest, I don't even
read gossip columns because it feels intrusive to me, even though I know
most of that stuff is probably given to the columnists.  That's just me.
I think that pushing for more details doesn't make sense, anyway.  The
entire topic of which Lupron works best for which ferret is so individual
and needs to be suited to the nuances of the individual ferrets while
actual researchers who bother to control their studies well need to delve
further.  Nothing of that scale is about to be settled in public fora.
What my point was, was that people need to know what they are buying, so
even with good intentions on the part of the seller it would help avoid a
lot of accidental difficulties if the places where those communications
are falling through in relation to types of Lupron were shored up.
That's it: truth in advertising and all that...
>but getting ticked off about people pestering you to reveal something
>that you were sworn not to (which I think that the original teller of
>the info wouldn't even want it mention, let alone be named) is a bit
>unrealistic as people have an inner curiosity to know things they are
>told they cannot know and playing "I Know Something You Don't Know" is
>unfair and cruel
I disagree, Lisa, but I like that you put it so gently.  We all know that
in relation to our own lives there are things which can be shared TO A
DEGREE (as well as there being others which can be shared fully and some
which just can't be shared except with those we most love).  There is
nothing which says that even those who are curious can't exert some
self-control and realize that beyond a certain point things aren't going
to be shared, especially if they are not the speaker's own to share.
I'll far more readily share things about myself and my life than I will
about anyone else's.  Curiosity is a good thing; it's actually one of the
characteristics I most respect and treasure, but when it intrudes into
someone else's business it needs to be tempered with respect for privacy.
Frankly, when that point is reached "pestering" or bullying makes me even
more decided to protect the privacy of those who spoke to me, partly
because I'd hope to get that same respect myself and partly because I am
as stubborn as any old goat I've ever met.
Okay, I am an old fart, and a stubborn one, and I have some character
aspects which seem better suited to a different century, but we all do
have, you know.
Others will feel differently, but I don't live their lives or make their
choices, and they don't live my life and make my choices.  A gentle
inquiry wouldn't have gotten me annoyed and would have gotten a "Sorry,
but I just can't and you asked so nicely that I feel bad about it" type
of reply, but one which reminds me of the way that a bullying third grade
teacher I had spoke to most of us is sure to set my teeth on edge, and
that is just how I personally react to what I consider inappropriate
demands.  It may be a character flaw to develop a hide of brick when
something feels like bullying, but, heck, it's my character flaw and it's
just me.  I'm far from perfect just like any of us here, and there are
some people here who dislike me enough that I doubt they'd even get near
my rather copious shadow.  That's not an indictment; it's just a fact of
human life.  We're all only human and some pairs of us just will grate
due to clashing techniques and pasts, while other pairs of us will be
able to disagree with mutual admiration and respect.  It's just life.
Not a biggie.
[Posted in FML issue 4559]