The story left off where Ela had Snowflake asking Lil Bear if he
would..... Ela handed the story off to Wolfy.
Wolfy wrote:
".... help me eat all these raisons and cache them?"
Snowflake and Lil' Bear partook of the juicy, sweet raisons from the
tree.  After they were full and quite tipsy (there were a few fermented
raisons), they sang a little Karoake.  Lil' Bear finished up their
singing session with a swinging, swanky rendition of Tom Jones' "It's
Easy to Be Loved By Anyone" (minus the crotch bulge).  Snowflake was
very impressed with the sexy serenade.  It was just so paw-snapping fun!
Sobered up, Snowflake then remembered how her mother warned her about the
evil woman in the woods.  She sat and told the story to Lil' Bear as he
stood furrowing his brow trying to figure out where to hide all the
wonderful raisons.  He then wondered what awful things this woman could
do to ferrets.  Maybe she gave baths with sudsy shampoos and perfumes, he
pondered.  Maybe she moved private ferret treasures from hidey-holes, or
stopped projects such as massive digs.  Worse yet, maybe she swabbed ears
or stole ferret poopies compulsively.  But Snowflake imagined it would be
much worse.  She was truly scared.
They bottle brushed their tails as they brainstormed of what to do next.
They needed to figure it out before those kitties came back anyway.  But
then before they could leave they head a noise.
Wolfy handed the story off to Francine Prager.
Fran wrote:
While the noise was different than the purring the kitties made, it was
still very frightening.  What were they doing in this dark foreboding
forest, Snowflake wondered.  As she passed her thoughts along to Lil
Bear, suddenly, into the clearing, came the makers of the new noise.....
Dogs....pure white, just like Snowflake herself.  Snowflake was so happy
to see the white creatures she didn't even notice the yellow slits of
their eyes.  But Lil Bear, who was not white, did notice their eyes.
"Run Snowflake" cried Lil Bear "but first stuff your mouth and paws with
raisins so we will have the energy to escape".  But Snowflake saw no
reason to run...after all, the dogs were white, just like her......
"You must be thirsty after eating all of those raisins," growled one of
the dogs..."and sticky too.  I can show you where there is a lovely brown
pool of a liquid that like oil." "Ferretone!",
cried Snowflake and Lil Bear in unison...."Yes," said their new friend
with the yellow eyes.  "Our mistress tends to this pool very carefully.
She keeps it pure and clean and picks the leaves out of it.  Come with
me.....she would love to you."
Fran handed the story off to Gail Elsey .  Gail wrote:
The white dogs kept their distance from the brave little explorers.  The
smallest of the dogs led the two young warriors deeper into the forest.
Though frightened, Lil' Bear went first.  Snowflake couldn't hide her
excitement and her majestic fur raised slowly upon her body until she
closely resembled a snowball.
The enticing smell made the curious raisin hunters move faster and
faster.  As they approached the stream, they began to shake form
The stream was lovely delicious ferratone, the drug of all cures, the
balm to soothe any problem.
A mysterious black figure approached.  the dogs whined and groveled at
her feet, eager to please your mistress.  She was pulling something that
made horrendous squeaky sounds as it rolled behind her.
The shadow woman reached behind her into the mysterious contraption and
pulled out....
To be continued....
Judy Cooke, Lynda Galloway, Chris Matlick, Donna
Christian, Laurel Dittman, Robin Jones, Ela Heyn,
Lil Bear, Wolfy, Francine Prager, Gail Elsey
[Posted in FML issue 4558]