The statement about Petco wanting to put the kit (with the broken leg)
down was one where the corporation would send the kit back to the
distributor and they would have the kit put down due to the expense it
costs out weighs the kits cost.  Unfortunately these things happen with
pet store business.  The statement was in no way a reflection of the
Store manager's feelings on the issue.  The store manager was the one who
pushed and went through the channels to allow us to purchase the kit, we
signed a waver that we would be responsible for the kit's medical bills.
She is a great person and a good store manager when it comes to the
protection and treatment of animals at her store.  Unfortunately, animals
in pet store for the most part are treated like merchandise.....not by
the people who work directly in the store, but by the corporation.  I
wanted to clarify my statement there.
TinyPrints Shih Tzu and Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Ebay and Stores
[Posted in FML issue 4527]