I do the fundraising at home now in between caring for our 4 human
children, running the shelter, soon to be home schooling my one son and
my busy life with our other animals.  By doing the Ebay thing, I can do
that here at home, in between other things, or at night after everything
has settled down.  The bakesales I found, even though they averaged $300,
when you come down to it, it is would have been better to just put the
money out of our pockets.  Until you paid for ingredients, I bought the
Icey tea or sodas, we paid out of shelter money for the hot dogs, rolls,
napkins, plates, strawberries (chocolate covered ones), I paid for the
chocolate, well..........then you have to drive to the store, which alot
of times was in Philadelphia, we were just basically breaking even.  So
bakesales unless you have alot of volunteers who bake, were not a good
fundraiser for us.  Those items above are things that people don't take
into consideration.  But they all must be counted especially if the
shelter is fronting all the money for the ingredients, which is what
happened at the last couple of bake sales.
The shows are also a fundraiser for me.  They happen 5-6 times/year.
They help because they can yes, sometimes generate some decent money.I
made the initial investment of the items for the table.  That money,
since I feel the need to explain to everyone, came from my dog breeding
money.  The table money profits also have to pay for the show tables, the
donated items to the AFA, club or shelter who is running the show.  The
rest of the money for the table paid for ferret food, litter, earlier
shows, it helped to pay for cages for the shelter, the gas to and from
the shelter, vet bills (which ran way over the money we had in our
account), ADV testing, Shots, etc.  When the money was not in the Shelter
Account, I used and still use my home account.  I also had flyers printed
for Ferret education which cost money.
The group was formed in September 2003 and lasted until March 2003.  In
that time we only did 5 bake sales.  The total which was given by Carol
was say $300/sale.  That was only $1500.00 in 6 months.  That means
$300/month earned.  Now from that $1500.00 we paid for Isabelle surgery
which was $400.00, Irwin and Anna were at the vet numerous times $250+,
we have Irwin's surgery $350.00+, Adrienne's surgery $200.00, Lupron
for 2 of the three ferrets each month (Queen, Possum, Sunshine) at
$35.00/ferret/month x 6 months Grand total for them $420.00, 2 cases
of AD food for Queen, Possum and Sunshine each month at $25.00/case.
Grand total of that $300.00.  ADV testing and shots, lets just use the 9
ferrets currently, we have had more who have been adopted out...... (ADV
Tests $8.00 each, Shots $25.00 each) $297.00.  Just that above totals
$2217.00.  That is not the litter, food, treats, ferretone, ferretvite,
ferret lax, fluids, ped.  pred, etc.  Which means somewhere the extra
$717.00 had to come from somewhere.  Guess where.....my show table
profits.  Who pays for water, gas to the vets (including several trips to
Phila.), cage maintenance, bedding, food, water, litter, treats, electric
and everything else.  Me, and my show table.  Let me tell you, we are
far from RAKING IT IN.....like being Lisa Thomas is trying to let you
believe.  Oh and lets not forget, Lupron shots for Iggy, and Isabelle
before she had her surgery, Numerous smaller trips to the vet for
different issues, and the many ferrets that we adopted out.  They needed
shots and ADV testing.  Rescuing is not a money making venture.  You do
it because you love animals.  If I were out for the money, I would dump
the rescue ferrets, because personally they cost me more money then I
make.  But plain and simple, I do it for them, not for everyone's
approval, for them.  When they are happy, healthy, at peace, are sleeping
in clean cages, with fluffy towels, comfortable bedding, full water
bottles and food dishes, then I am happy.  When I see that I have turned
around a pair of ferrets from ones who have bitten and were so scared
that they just would shake when you would hold them, to a pair who are
dooking, playing and acting like crazy ferrets, my job is complete.
Unfortunately, I need money to run my shelter, if I were independent
wealthy, anyone who knows me personally knows, I would not be asking for
money.  But I choose to keep my shelter smaller because I feel that
ferrets who are in rescue need love and attention beyond a ferret who has
not been bounced around.  I don't want my ferrets to be a number, I want
the rescue ferrets to be held, loved, hugged, worked with and treated
like family members while they are in my care.  I am only one person, I
have sole responsibility for the ferrets in my rescue and I only will
take in ones that I have the time to devote to.  I could have 100's here,
I have the room, but I would not do that.  That is my thinking only, it
is not to put down larger shelters.  This is a policy I set for myself
when I decided to take on rescue ferrets.  Because I also have a family
to help support, I can not give my extra money at the end of the month to
the rescue.  We need it to live.  That is why I do the auctions and post
them on the forums.  Plain and simple.  Rescue is not a GET Rich venture,
despite what others think.  Alot of time goes into shelters for the
people who have them.  The smaller and more private shelter are hit the
hardest because we don't get corporate donations etc.  And lets face
it......For every good "Adoptable" ferret who comes in, you get 5-6 who
are being dumped due to health issues.  And there are not many people out
there who want to adopt a ferret with health issues.  Hence the need for
foster homes.  And adoption fees for the ferrets just do not cover all
the medical expenses from the sicker ferrets.
Marguerite from TinyPrints
TinyPrints Shih Tzu and Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Ebay and Half.com Stores
[Posted in FML issue 4527]