Hi everyone,
To those of you that have been rescuing for over 10 years, know how bad
it was and how bad it has gotten.  In the old days (the early 90s), when
LOS was in the first 5 years, we took in over 600 ferrets.  We were
constantly cleaning, bathing, clipping nails, paying extremely high vet
bills, and never sleeping.  We worked round the clock between myself, my
sister, my mom, my dad and my grandmother, we never slept.  We made sure
all the ferrets got at least an hour run everyday and they were cleaned
in shifts.  We had play pens all over the house since many did not like
being out of their groups.  We had cages in every bedroom, bathroom,
office, living room, etc.  Now things have changed since then but not
by much.  Our medical bills back then were much lower and we were able
to pay for more sugeries all at the same time.  Also there were fewer
rescues and the economy wasn't hurting like it is now.  Th donations
were much better back then becuase the economy wasn't like it is now.
In recent days, I don't take nearly as many in, why you may ask, because
I work a full time job to support the rescue and a part time to support
myself.  I can't devote as much time as I once did.  I don't have the
help I once did.  I don't have the same agreement with our shelter vets
as we once did.  Our discount went from 50% to 15% and with the costs of
surgery being to incredibly high, my NJ Division President and I are
busting our butts going to different pet stores to raise money for our
ferrets in need.  The part is that all weekend last weekend, I think we
raised $18 between the two of us.  Folks, I don't know about you, but
that says something when people either can't or won't donate becuase they
don't have the money.  It almost makes me cry when I hear of rescues
shutting down and the ripple effect of the rescue disappearing.  The
ferrets from that rescue may have to be placed in other rescues, which
then limits any new rescues, so please folks, your donations are needed
for rescues.  The quickest way to get them the much needed money is to
send it to their vet or send them supplies or contact them directly.  But
please, I ask of all of you, don't ruin a shelter's reputation by posting
slandering posts.  This only hurts the ferrrets that rescue took in.  Now
not everyone may agree with how that rescue gets their money, what should
matter is that it is going to ferrets that need it.
Please imagine if you will you are being tried for a crime you didn't
commit and are prosecuted without proving you didn't do it.  That's
what has been done to other rescues and is being done now as we speak.
Rescues are guilty and have to proof their innocence.  That's not how
you as an individual are tried.  You are innocent until proven guilty.
Please take this into consideration before posting.  If you have a bone
to pick with a rescue, do this off the public forum.  It doesn't matter
if that rescue is small or large, they are doing their part to the
community.  Also many have said the money should only go toward shots,
medical bills and food.  But what about water folks, if a rescue is
struggling to the point that they can no longer pay their water bill,
that hurts the shelter and the ferrets.  How about electric, gas in their
car to drive them to the vet, their mortgage payment which proves the
ferrets with a shelter over their heads, a new heater (ferrets need warth
too), a new air condition (ferrets need to stay cool too), etc?  Many
people are forgetting that there are things that a shelter needs to
consider as well when taking care of many animals.  I know I have been
there.  My air conditioner broke last year while I was at work.  It was
dead in the middle of summer, I came home to two ferrets dead becuase of
heat stroke and others over heated.  I ran out and used the last $100 I
had to buy a new air condition.  I almost had my car taken away becuase I
used my car payment money to save the other ferrets in distress.  I used
my rent money to put a ferret a second chance.  So even though it may
seem like the shelter isn't using the money donated to them directly to
the ferrets, please consider that they used their personal bill money to
help their rescues and maybe they are at the point of foreclosure and in
danger of losing their ferrets.  Money used that indirectly affects the
ferrets, still affects them.  Now I know many of you may or may agree
with that, but I just wanted everyone to realize that all that matters is
the ferrets.  My only hope is that when I am gone, there will be someone
there to continue my work.  There have been many hardships in my life and
no matter what, my furry little guys are always there to cheer me up.
When things are so bad I wanted to scream, there was nothing like having
on curl up in my lap and let me know things would be okay.  So if I get
burned for this, so be it.  I didn't want anyone to lose sight of what's
important.  If anyone has a problem with what I write, direct to me
outside of the FML, email me instead.
Dawn Smith, Vice President
Legion of Superferrets National
[Posted in FML issue 4526]