Hi all dis is SaraFerret--sorry for de delay in messages as poor Mommy
has had a strange virus.  Anyway de other day we heard dat a furchild by
name of Pixie was on her way.  So Is rounded up her business dat was here
all ready so she would be surrounded by lovey ones.  There she comes--all
of us cheered Cinnamon did a clever war dance --handstands no less--and
de boys all had to show off too-dere names was Coke, Chitterbox and of
course Yozum.  She was bouncing like a rubber ball all de way across--
de bridge sure swayed-and den she was here and was stunned by me of
course--I mean how many fuwwires do ya see wit safari outfits on and
dat dum hat wit de bent halo and strap-on dusty wings.  I told her I was
de assistant greeter appointed by de Boss who had me on standby when
Sandeeferret was busy elsewheres.  Oh, she bwushed and said I didnt mean
to be rude.  I told dat was okay-I was used to shock--darn Sandee and her
bright ideas.
She sure was happys to be here and no pain and dat made her feel wonders.
And to see all her family happys to see her.  So we got her decked out in
a special Pixie dust halo that dropped sprinkles every where she was and
of course strap-on wings dat dwopped pixie dust all over de pwace.  And
den we gives her de grand tours of de pwace--off to where de ermines
live --cold very cold and lots of de white mustelids dat are wild--dey
love de cold--dey can have it--I am a beach bunny--no colds for me.
Dey all agreed-dey would rather be beach bunny-ferrets any day.  So
off we flew to de warmer spots where most of us live.  Even de wild
boys-blackfoots ferrets and polecats,etc-de rest of de mustelids.  I
warned Pixie dat de wild ones parties all de time as dey were wild.  She
said dey looked like a fun gwoup but dat all de noise might be a bit
much.  So Cinnamon and de boys said dey would just prefer to have Pixie
just move in wit dem and just enlarge dere space--after alls-all dey had
to do was to pull in another cloud and get de new hammies-pixie dust of
course and she definitely wanted a canopy--what is dis wit all de
canopies--geesh.  So she put de boys to work--I could see she was gonna
keep de boys in line.  Den we showed her de fruit bar and de kibbles
garage and of course the tube slides and all de play toys we had.  And of
course our new addition we was just getting use to--Bob Church's gravy
bar--great to dip kibbles in and just slop away.  Wonder how it would
taste wit potato chips and of course de pepsi bar and iced tea bar --we
had our own--no more sneaking sips from mommy's glass and knocking it
over.  LOL
So at last we collapsed from exhaustion--lots of new tings and new ways
here and its such fun when de Boss makes new additions to our Mustelid
SaraFerret (very tiwed and pooped out fuzzie)
[Posted in FML issue 4526]