Hey folks...Jen in Iowa out of lurk mode again.
I want to say, first off, I don't know the people at Tiny Prints that
well at all.  Only met them once at the LOS show in March, so I really
can't get into what they do or don't do.
However...what has, hands down, IRRITATED me to no end are the remarks
about shelter credibility and what "makes" a shelter.  One of the annon.
posts yesterday mentioned that TP only had 7 ferrets in their shelter,
while others had dozens or hundreds.  Personally, I don't care if you
have 1 rescued ferret you're trying to help or 100...you're still doing
your part to help homeless fuzzies.
How many adoptables one has or doesn't have does NOT dictate the status
of your shelter.  I understand the concerns about where the money goes
for a small number of ferrets...but shouldn't we be asking TP
personally??  As an example, I only have 5 shelter ferrets at this
time...however, in the last month I shelled out $490 (out of my own
pocket, not fundraiser), to have 2 adrenalectomies done on shelter kids.
That's in addition to the "regular" monthly expenses for meds, food,
etc...AND the bills we are STILL paying on (which, at this point, has
hit over $1,000).
Stop and consider that many of a shelter's costs come straight out of
pocket, and other necessities get put off.  For example, I've been
driving a car with a "check engine" light on that randomly dies on the
interstate to and from my job for the last few months because all my
free money has gone into ferret medical bills...NOT into getting the car
fixed.  My dishwasher is broken, my computer is BEYOND substandard, and I
barely manage to keep one step ahead of routine household expenses...but
at least the ferrets get the best in medical care, housing and love.  So
I deal.
My point is simply this...I'm not defending TP.  Nor am I questioning
them.  I just get aggrivated when I see ANY shelter gets
attacked/questioned extensively in an open forum, especially when it's
over something so petty as how many ferrets are currently in their
shelter.  It's been my experience that just ONE ferret can total over
$1500 in medical bills alone.  There are many factors here that we
probably don't know about.  Maybe TP's vet doesn't allow them to carry
a balance?  Maybe they pay their vet bills by credit card and are trying
to pay off the card now?
My suggestion is that if you're one of those truly concerned, email the
shelter personally, off list, and ask them.  A reputable shelter/rescue
will have no problem with providing references, proof of accounting, etc.
And now, I put on my flame-retardant suit and go back into lurking. :)
Jen & The Furkids
Jen Galas, LVT
President, Legion of Superferrets Midwest
Legion of Superferrets of Iowa Ferret Shelter
Black Dragon Ferretry
Visit Our Website at http://pages.ivillage.com/jedi.knight/
Help support the homeless fuzzies in our care
by shopping with iGive: http://www.iGive.com/LOSofIA
If you don't rescue, DON'T BREED!
[Posted in FML issue 4525]