[Moderator's note: My decision to post these Tiny Prints notes was a
difficult choice to make.  On one hand, as a poster notes, it's a lot of
negative energy to expend against a shelter which by everyone's account
seems to take good care of their ferrets and sells quality merchandise.
On the other hand, seemingly legitimate questions are being asked.
Before posting this I forwarded it to Marguerite to give her the
opportunity to respond in this FML.  She declined, stating it was a
personal issue and as such it shouldn't appear in the FML to begin with.
While it's possible there may be some personal issues behind the posts,
I believe that when a shelter asks for money on the FML it also has a
responsibility to answer reasonable questions about that shelter's
operations.  I do NOT believe a shelter has to answer questions of a
personal nature, but the following posts don't quite seem to go there.
So, here are the posts.  Should Tiny Prints wish to respond they are
welcome to do so.  Any other posts on the subject should continue to
stick to facts about the shelter -- I'll be pretty quick to reject
posts which seem to be just personal flames.
Thanks all for your understanding.  BIG]
1. What happened to your ferret nursery link?  Are Matilda's babies O.K?
2. Why do you have 2 of your personal ferrets ( Java & Mocha) and the
shelter mascot Chickadee) now on the adoptables page?  My inquiring
mind wants to know, since I volunteered to take Chickee a million times.
The offer still stands.
Most of you folks don't know that this shelter started out as a group
supported venture, where all members were supposed to be equal.  All the
CD's on Half.com were donated by ME.  I also gave hundreds of dollars of
new and slightly used clothing items to Marge to be sold on eBay for the
shelter last Fall.  We also did monthly fundraisers, raising an average
of 300.00 per event.  We attended pet supply auctions, we went to shows
together.  I know where of I speak, and at this point am weary of the
pariah image being put forth by T.P.
I don't care about what I gave to her,or how much we raised for her,
that's in the past, that's not the point.  I only say it so you know
how close I am to this situation.
If you good people choose to support Tiny Prints, fine, go right ahead.
Everyone has to do what they feel is right.  After all, the group is
not helping her anymore.  By the way, the breakup of the group was HER
choice.  She wants sole control.  now she has it.  It is so sad, really.
We started out with such a good intent.  We had a blast at the
fundraisers and going out together.  A REAL shame.
[Posted in FML issue 4524]