Hello people it's me David Owings out of Lurk mode.  I had to give Bubba
an emergency bath he got out to the drive way and got some motor oil on
his paws and tummy so I had to jump into the shower with him and I found
out that Joe had done some work on the plumbing and we had no hot water
for the shower so as bubba shredded my chest I was bathing him at warp
speed also freezing my YOU KNOW WHAT off.  To make sure he didn't get a
chill I wrapped him in a towel and handed him off to my Ma so I could get
dressed and when I took him back he did the cutest thing on his own he
crawled into my shirt and forced me to rub his head as a form of penance
I guess.  As I write this he's inside my shirt snoozing like nothing
happened I guess I'm forgiven for bathing him in ice cold water.
David Owings
Bubba, Shadow.
[Posted in FML issue 4524]