May 22, 2004      News Letter
Mr... Bones
Cub Reporter Andy
It is sad sad news that Master Largo is gone and has left me the job of
teaching a new fur kid how to be the reporter for our shelter.  To honor
Master Largo we are going to continue to call our news letter Master
Largo's News.  So I will start by introducing me, to you, I am Mr...
Bones.  I am the one Master Largo was always complaining about trying
to take his job.  Little did he know I was going to have to take it over
because he was too ill and then left for Rainbow Bridge on April 26,
2004.  I will do my best to fill his shoes until I can teach a new
reporter the ropes so they can permanently take over.  Mum says I do a
good job, and some of you have sent messages that I do a good job but
I do believe it is a younger fur kid that should take on the task of
reporting because I am old and fragile.
(At least that is what mum says anyway) So below are the votes from
some of you to me about the news letter.
Mr..  Bones, I think you did a very good job on this newsletter, and if
it comes down to Master Largo not being able to continue writing it, I
think you would do wonderfully taking over for him.  Maybe you can both
work on it together, him doing the easier stuff and you doing the harder
Dooks and hugs,
Brenda S.
Hey Mr..  Bones... You did a great job!!!!!  Should Master Largo 'retire'
you have my vote!!!
Dear Mr.. Bones,
You did a very nice job with the news letter.  It is good to know there
is someone able to fill in or take over when needed.  However, I believe
it would be best for Largo's sake if he didn't lose his job because he
got sick.  I think the important work that he and you (in his stead) do
will continue to give him a good reason to get better.  It would be great
if you could continue to fill in while he is sick, but encourage him to
get better so he can get back to work.  You and mum will know when it
is time for Largo to retire.  In the meantime, you will getting great
experience to prepare to take over for Largo when the time comes.
Tammy Anderson
Thanks for the letter Bones!  I thought you did an excellent job and
should be the one who takes over the newsletter if Largo has to retire.
Of course, I do hope that he starts feeling better so that he doesn't
have to retire.  Hugs to you and your wonderful mum!
a not take the newsletter away from Master Largo...not
even if he has to go to the bridge...maybe then he can do it THRU Mr..
I think that Braveheart should be the new ambassador.
I am going to tell you some of the things that have been going on then I
will turn over a part of this to a new cub reporter.  Mum has been real
busy taking care of an old lady (87) that fell and broke her hip 3 weeks
ago today.  Mum is her health care proxy because she does not have any
family so mum is taking on that task.  Mum goes to her house 2 times a
day to make sure she takes the correct meds.  (Just like here huh?) And
to be sure she is okay.  This morning 5/22/04 mum found her not well and
had to send her to the hospital by ambulance; is that like Aunt Kaleigh
and Uncle Peter when they come to rush us guys to our favorite Doc?  Mum
says it is just like that, only Kaleigh and Peter do not have lights and
sirens on their car.  I think we should get them some, what do you guys
think?  Okay so anyway mum has been busy with old lady Kay, and she has
been doing extra bus runs to make money to pay bills... We don't like it
when she does the extra bus runs because that means we can not be out but
mum says she has to do them or we will not be able to stay here and keep
the house and shelter.  She says she is still buried but lots and lots of
humans have been helping her get caught up, with donations and lots of
things to put on eBay to make money.  Because it is summer mum has to
spend time out side doing yard work and trying to get cans and bottles
done.  The golf course is open so now she is getting lots and lots of
them again.  We get to play in the play yard if it is not too hot; our
play yard is kept nice because Miss Judy and Mr..  Dave got mum a yard
cutter for our play yard.  Andy came over one day and he used the cutter
to get the grass down low so we could play out there.  Andy is new to the
shelter, he wants to adopt 1or 2 or 3 of us fur kids so mum is doing the
process and Andy is coming to play with us and help mum around the
shelter.  We have had lots of help from Andy, Donna, Kaleigh, Peter,
Alex, John, Vicky, and Deena.
They all do stuff to help keep mum get caught up around here because she
keeps saying there are not enough hours in the day to do all she needs to
do for us, the shelter, Kay, house work, do bus runs and yard work.  So
she says she is blessed that they come to help her take care of the
things that need taking care of.  We also have boarders here, Robinson
kids and Greenberg kids.  Oh yeah mum is getting ready for the clinic in
just 2 weeks, if you do not have your registration form in you need to do
that NOW!!!!  June 1st ( Clinic Date June 5 )
is just around the corner, no more registrations after that date.  If
you do not need your fur kids to see our favorite Doc then all you need
to do is let mum know you are coming, we are having lots of food, lots of
fun, lots of vendors, pictures taken by a professional photographer (what
on earth is that?) for cheap mum says..  Deena got mum a cotton candy
machine so we are having cotton candy on clinic day!!!  Yeah I love
cotton candy!!  (Don't tell anyone cuz I am not suppose to have it, I
sneaked it that day Deena made some for mum) Oh, oh yeah and guess what!
Mum is on the committee of the International Ferret Symposium, she is
also the vendor coordinator for humans that want to set up a vendor
table.  She says she is so honored to be a part of that elite group of
humans that do so much to help ferrets and their humans.  If you want to
read all about the next symposium and see who is coming to speak so far;
you can go here  The site gets updated and
added to as we get new information.
Okay let me introduce you to the first trial cub reporter.  Andrew -
brown sable- 2 yrs old just came to the shelter recently with his cage
mate Rebecca.  I do believe Master Largo told you some about them.
Okay Andrew the news is all yours.
Okay I am real scared to do this; I was tolds by the other kids in the
shelter that Master Largo was the best reporter ever.  And that Master
Largo had a following of all you special humans out there that loved him
just like Mum did.  I is afraid I will goof it up.  Mr. Bones and mum
said that would help me so here goes.
First you can call me Andy, mum does so you can.  I came here because my
poopy human did not want me a Becca any more; then when we got here and
found out that we was pose to be eating ferret food not rabbit food we
was glad the poopy human did not want us any more.  The other night Mum
says it was Thursday, there was this real loud banging noise outside our
house, mum called it a thunder storm.  I am not sure mum knows what she
is talking about but I do know that it made such loud noises and made it
real light out side at night time that I was hidden under my blankie with
Becca in our hammock.  Then it started to rain outside but it has been
doing that a lot so we did not think much of that.  BUT boy we did when
mum got the phone call from school Friday morning telling her to stay
home cause there was no school, all because the roads are closed.  Mum
says she was told the mountain side fell down into the road and pushed
into houses all down near the lake that is only 5 miles from my house!!!!
The lake is all dirty with mud and you still can not get through our
road.  Mum says we were protected and have no damage to our property.  We
are being told there is 3 million dollars damage down the road from us.
See mum keeps telling you all we is blessed guess she does know what she
is talking about.
Mum told me I had to keep this news short, and I know Mr. Bones has done
some of the reporting so I guess I have done all I know I can do.  I
think mum and Mr. Bones are going to try a new cub reporter each month to
see who you guys like best and who does the bestest job for the shelter.
I know I love being here, we get out to play, we get really good ferret
food, mum feeds us soup everyday, LIFE IS GOOD!
Signing off for now,
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
Special links from Special Friends
Shelter e-Bay Store
Shelter website and online store
Shelter e-mail
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[Posted in FML issue 4523]